Saturday, May 19, 2007


I got these questions from a friends blog and I just had to do it because I love my mug.

1. Can you show us your coffee cup?
2. Can you comment on it? Do you think it reflects on your personality?
3. Do you have any interesting anecdotes resulting from coffee cup commentary?
4. Can you try to get others to comment on it?

First thing my mug is not a coffee cup. I do not drink coffee. I sometimes drink hot tea but not that often. Most of the time I do use it for hot chocolate.

My mug is Classic Winnie the Pooh and it is a Christmas scene. The words around the top say "Dear Santa, My spelling is wobbly, but I've been a good bear, Pooh." Yes most likely it should be just a Christmas mug, but it is so me I use it year round. My spelling and handwritting is very wobbly, but I try to be a good person. So the mug really states a big part of me and I love Pooh. My family knows if someone else tries to use my mug they will be dis-membered.

1 comment:

Alto2 said...

Your not-coffee mug is most definitely you. That last statement threatening violence shows me what a negative effect I've had on you!