Monday, February 4, 2008

Responce to comments

I never quite know where to put a responce to a comment, but I will try here. TDR commented on my post called "Learning Disablity Musing" talking and squeeze balls and therapy putty to see if it helps. I can stand the feeling of those things they cause my whole body to shiver because of the feeling. Christina also commented asking if there was anything telling be how to prevent or treat the pain that comment made me do more research and people seemed to be devided about if the pain is muscular or nerological. So if it is nerological I am not sure that having my hands have a daily workout with squeeze balls and the like would help or not. I guess how look at it is that I am greatful I was born when I was and I have had access to computers since I was 11 or 12 years old and have very little reason to write by hand at this point. I even use a computer to write my grocery list and notes to teachers and stuff like that.

Fly Guy and I have talked about getting a lap top for Horse Girl to see if that helps with some of her problems. I am thinking it might be a good idea so I can borrow it to do the research I want to do without writting by hand. ;-)

Once again I am having problems with the spell checker on Blogger....I might have to figure something else to do to deal with my spelling here, because having an unworking spell checker is just no good for me. So sorry for the lack of spell checking once again.

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