Monday, November 16, 2009

Not dead yet....

I said in an earlier post that my Grandmother is likely going to die very soon. Every phone call from my parents now I expect it to be the call saying she passed away.

So to the best of my knowledge my Grandmother is not dead year. My Uncle has already book the church this Sunday for the Funeral. Has also arranged for a caterer for food post funeral at his house. He also has arranged for my cousin to fly back from China in time for the funeral on Sunday. A little reminder her folks...she isn't dead yet!!! Yes I expect her to die anytime now, but save this sort of planning until after she is really dead. What if she makes to Sunday.....sorry folks the funeral is postponed because she isn't dead yet. That just seems crazy to me. Is this normal and I am just not getting it?


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you're having to go through such a stressful event. And yes - it seems very odd, and somewhat disrespectful, to organise a funeral for someone who's alive. The most I'd consider would be to choose a gravesite and structure the service. But booking stuff seems - wrong... But my thoughts are with you.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this seems very strange. With someone who is terminally ill, I can see doing some planning and, if they are able, asking about preferences and requests for the service, but I would not set a date for a service before the person died.

I'm thinking of you and your family during this difficult time.

Doc Thelma said...

I agree. When my grandmother was terminal with Alzheimer's (within days of probable death) my father contacted the funeral and picked out the casket, service format, and took care of details like what clothes she would need, who would speak, etc. But setting a date is foolish. People can sometimes hang on for weeks longer than you think they can.